published-external Spam & Phishing

“Ze Foreign Accent” spam is back

Twelve years ago the IT security world was fighting against an unprecedented amount of spam emails. Spam is not and never was just a nuisance; it is a big problem because it slows down the good emails and takes up resources. Together with Virus Bulletin and some antispam researchers from various companies, a list called […]

Spam & Phishing

“Ze Foreign Accent” spam returns

Remember the Spammer’s Compendium (where I have a spam method named after me: (UH!Mustaca!HTML))? There is an entry from 2003 called “Ze Foreign Accent“. Back then it was rather primitive, but now it comes in a much improved (if we can say that) form:   The link on “Click here” goes to a Google Drive hosted site […]

News Spam & Phishing

Spam description with my name in it

John Graham Cumming is maintaining his Spammer’s Compendium and he is giving names to spam techniques. I reported some time ago one technique used in PayPal phishing emails and he created a method: Cross your fingers and click (UH!Mustaca!HTML) What: Making what looks like a valid link to PayPal turn into a link to a […]