General Spam & Phishing

Facebook and Twitter Phishing (on first sight)

The source of the articles is in the Avira Techblog: Twitter Phishing (on first sight) Facebook Phishing (on first sight) Twitter Over the weekend our spam traps received a massive wave of emails looking like the one below: The emails seem to stem from “Twitter Support” ( and are addressed each to exactly one unique […]


Avira has a Risk Level Avira Risk Level definitions There is an average level computed for the last 30 days for both malware and phishing. The alert level is computed like this: 1 Normal activity – less than -50 percent 2 Increased activity – between -50 and -25 percent 3 Suspicious activity – between -25 and 25 percent 4 […]


Bug or feature: Mime Type Detection

Also known as MIME Sniffing, this is a feature or bug in IE which is the only browser able to dynamically determine the content type of the document it loads. So, in this case, it detects a plain text document with HTML content instead of a an JPG header. And the content of the “JPG” […]