(isc)2 CSSLP

What is a security expert?

I've been called a "security expert" many times and I've heard many times other people around me called the same. The reason I am writing this article is that I am frustrated by how some security experts are seing and implementing security in their every day jobs. But, let's start with the beginning: What does […]


Quoted in the (ISC)2 newsletter

    EMEA members are also sharing their expertise on the (ISC)² blog. Why we continue to fail on Cyber Security is the question explored in the latest post to the (ISC)² Blog by Germany-based CSSLP Sorin Mustaca, in his fourth post now archived to the Blog; It is actually 5th post, but it was my fault that […]

(isc)2 CSSLP

Why we continue to fail on cyber security

I've been asked a lot of times, especially when I was working for an antivirus producer, why can't we simply write a software that always protects the users. Well, there is a short answer and a long answer. Short answer: Because 100% security does not exist and because most people are hackable due to being ignorant […]

(isc)2 CSSLP

The sad state of Java security

The problem of Oracle is that they bought a technology that was stretched out to be actually “write once, run everywhere”. The Virtual Machine that provides this functionality had to be ported to all devices, and lately (in the past few years) also on mobile devices. As written in the news, even if the “run everywhere” […]


Mentioned in the (ISC)2 Newsletter for Europa

  After publishing the article in Security Insider under the shield of (ISC)2, I was surprized to see in the monthly newsletter a reference to the article. Source: Security Insider (HTML,  PDF) Originally published in English: (ISC)2 Blog Republished in this blog: http://sorin-mustaca.com/2013/05/29/security-for-free/   “News and Events in your region”                 Zahlt kostenlose Sicherheit […]

(isc)2 Security

Security for Free ? Die Deutsche Edition.

Source: Security Insider (HTML,  PDF) Originally published in English: (ISC)2 Blog Republished in this blog: http://sorin-mustaca.com/2013/05/29/security-for-free/           Wer sein Augenmerk nur auf die Anschaffungskosten einer Sicherheitslösung richtet, zahlt oft an anderer Stelle. (Bild: Archiv) Malware, Hacking-Attacken, Software-Schwachstellen: Ist es angesichts der ausufernden Bedrohungslandschaft überhaupt möglich, sich mit Security-Tools für lau umfassend abzusichern? In diesem Beitrag […]

(isc)2 CSSLP

Security “for free”?

As security professionals, we are continuously facing the challenge of smaller and smaller budgets allocated to maintain and improve the IT security. That’s probably the main reason why there is always the temptation of “Free”. Many people, sometimes even professionals, think that they can achieve a good security for free. “For free” means in this […]

(isc)2 CSSLP

Official contributor in the (ISC)2 Blog

    With the third article published in the (ISC)2 Blog I was accepted as an official contributor in the (ISC)2 Blog.             Here is a link to all my articles: http://blog.isc2.org/isc2_blog/mustaca/index.html Here is a link to my biography: http://blog.isc2.org/isc2_blog/authors.html#mustaca    

(isc)2 CSSLP

Define S.M.A.R.T IT security goals

One of the biggest problem that most IT security experts around the world have is the fact that IT security is never taken seriously until a security incident takes place. After that, management boards start being interested in IT security. However, these managers see security not through the eyes of an expert, but through the […]