General News

BSI: Die Lage der IT-Sicherheit in Deutschland (German)

Quelle:   Malwarelage: Das vergangene Jahr war geprägt von einer deutlichen Ausweitung cyber-krimineller Erpressungsmethoden. Nicht nur die Anzahl der Schadprogramm-Varianten stieg zeitweise rasant an – mit bis zu 553.000 neuen Varianten pro Tag der höchste jemals gemessene Wert (siehe Kapitel Neue Schadprogramm-Varianten, Seite 11). Auch die Qualität der Angriffe nahm weiterhin beträchtlich zu. […]

News Spam & Phishing

Virus Bulletin Article on Anti-Botnet-Initiative

Virus Bulletin Article on Anti-Botnet-Initiative The Virus Bulletin Magazine has published an article on the anti-botnet initiative in which Avira takes part. The goal is to clean infected computers and reduce the impact of cyber criminal activities. Read the article here (.pdf, 111kb) or head over to the Virus Bulletin web site where the magazine […]


Softpedia about the Anti-Botnet initiative of eco and BSI

The Avira Techblog published today a new article of mine about the Anti-Botnet Initiative. Immediately after, Softpedia commented on the Anti-Botnet Initiative : “While running the Linux from the rescue system, Windows is completely inactive (not as in Safe mode) so the rootkits are also not active. This is actually the only reliable possibility to […]