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56 posts

What’s wrong with Facebook ?

Is there something wrong going on with Facebook at the time I publish this post? The website behaves abnormally slow and I had to click 2-3 time on some buttons until the changes were applied. If somebody received from me 2 (or more) invitations to connect, sorry… it is from this strange effect. Initially I […]


No spam, please !

Have a look at this picture taken today. I live there and those are the post boxes of all the inhabitants of that building. My box is in the middle (see the notes). That sticker does the job 🙂 I never received a commercial … NEVER !!! Can you believe this ? My neighbor has […]

Spam & Phishing

Why is it worth fighting against SPAM ?

I received a post from my friend John Graham-Cumming ( where he announced that he retires from the antispam industry. I even asked him if this is a joke. No, it is not. John, I am sorry to see you leave, I wish you good luck in your future activity, whatever that might be. Now, […]

General hacked – thousand of credit cards stolen

It happened in October… most probably. I received on October 4th 2007, a very long email from this company which sells concert tickets. I bought tickets for a Manowar concert in Munich. And paid with my credit card. I received the email below (in German) which announces me that their servers were hacked and they […]

Spam & Phishing

Spammed by… GFI Software?

I received this email from a guy from GFI who contacted me on the email address published on the website. Interesting mode to make publicity. Practically, they want me to spread the word about their company. Cheap marketing, nothing to say. 🙂 Now, how can we differentiate between a spam and such a message ? […]