
Pardon for Enigma code-breaker Alan Turing

My friend John Graham-Cumming has started a petition to force the UK government to officially ask a post-mortem pardon to Alan Turing, the father of the modern computers and the breaker of the nazis’ Enigma code. Here is an interview about this topic. This post has been inspired by John’s post here.



I found a new service which promises to publish every 30 minutes any RSS Feed to a Twitter account. It is called “Twitterfeed” . Let’s see if this post reaches my Twitter account :


SHA-3: second round in the cryptographers’ Olympiad

Source: Heise The competition run by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to find the next generation of cryptographic hash functions has gone into its second round. Fourteen algorithms are still vying to be crowned in 2012 as the next standard for cryptographic hash functions, SHA-3 (Secure Hash Algorithm). I am curious […]


Avira has a Risk Level Avira Risk Level definitions There is an average level computed for the last 30 days for both malware and phishing. The alert level is computed like this: 1 Normal activity – less than -50 percent 2 Increased activity – between -50 and -25 percent 3 Suspicious activity – between -25 and 25 percent 4 […]