
Bitter experience at the Magic Circle Festival 2009…

IMPORTANT: I AM NOT A JOURNALIST, JUST A BIG FAN ! I wanted to attend the festival because I love Manowar ! So, I drove 5h30min to Loreley on 18.07.09 to see and hear Manowar. Here is my (bitter) experience: 1. The location was badly chosen Why ? In order to go there you must […]


Puzzle globe

After more than 10 h of work (distributed in about 2 weeks) I managed to finish the puzzle globe from Ravensburger. Here is the entire set of pictures: puzzle globe And here is just one (because I might delete the set sometime):


They have arrived …

No, not the aliens… The tickets for the Magic Circle Festival. Here the tickets and the flyer look like : And a ticket: Looking forward to attend even if we have to drive for four hours to Loreley.

Antivirus distributed systems General News

Opera Unite and Security

Have a look at the article that Dirk Knopp wrote in the Avira Techblog. This article was referenced here :–/news/113719 His concern is that a lot of malware can be now served directly from user’s computer. And he is right. Even more, if there is a flaw in the Opera and somebody can alter […]