
Conceptronic CHD3LAN NAS Server

I bought from eBay a brand new Networked Attached Storage server without HDD for 51 euro. Cheap and nice toy.. but … The company from which I bought it, advised me to upgrade the firmware via the web interface. And I did, poor me 🙁 Needless to say that the box is dead now. During […]


I’ve made an website

No, I didn’t change my job 🙂 I just helped some friends who own an italian delicatessen shop to make a presentation of the shop. The site is here I made all the photos with my Olympus E-500 and the 14-45mm lens. There is also a slideshow made with Microsoft’s XP Powertoys.

Spam & Phishing

Half phishing, half true

I just found a new phishing which opens a new chapter in the Paypal Phishing history. The phishing advertises a laptop which really exists on eBay com , informs the user that he has to pay it and allows the user to cancel the transaction. Obviously, the link with Cancel Transaction is faked. Click on […]


More Skype exposed

I found recently a very interesting article about P2P networks and Skype. This comes as a completion of the other article about Skype exposed posted here in June: Here is a permalink It is written by some guys from Cornell and Google. Here is the article. The most interesting thing is (copied included links): “Garfinkel […]


To IEEE or not to IEEE, that’s the question

Yes, that’s the question: To continue being an IEEE member or not  ? Of course, if I say YES, I have to pay about 140 euro.(+ Computer Security & Privacy which is an extra service) If I say NO, I don’t, but I will not receive anymore the IEEE Spectrum Computer Security & Privacy So, […]


Blogging from FLOCK

Flock is a very nice web browser that supports: – blogging – flickering and many others things which I didn’t yet discover. It is small and much faster then Mozilla based browser. This is the website: Note: Flock is  based on Firefox Blogged with Flock