General News

Just installed Firefox 3.5

Yes, I got it 😉 PRO: it is better in rendering, it is faster. Zooming a page works perfectly this time. CONS: I think it eats more RAM than its predecessors. One single TAB requires 100 MB RAM and 78 MB VM. Firefox 3.0.11 needed about 80MB RAM with the same plugins and theme.


When marketing doesn’t read what they send via email

I am subscribed to the TAROM (Romanian Airlines) Newsletter which is sent approximately once a month. Each month I receive the same corrupted email which looks like the one in the picture: Why is this happening ? Simply because they add some newlines in the wrong places. Actually, it is enough only the first one […]


wifi everywhere in the Politehnica University Bucharest

While waiting for my Phd. professor in the P.U.B. , i started the PDA and enabled the wireless connection. surprisingly, three wifi nets were available. two were secured, one not. i connected to it and … surprise… i am online 🙂 and i am writing this message from the pda, sitting on the stairs … […]

News Spam & Phishing

First time in a German news

After writing the article in the Avira Techblog, Dirk Knopp, Avira’s Technical Editor, showed me the link below: There is an omission, I hope not intentional: I wrote in the blog: Our statistics show that 14.43% from the Phishing and 15.04% from the Malware URLs (for which we have geo IP information) The article […]


Softpedia quoted me again

The original article on Avira’s Techblog: And the article on Softpedia: I am starting to like this 🙂


Confiker gots itself a page

Everybody is trying to find a way to get rid of it. And it works. Here is a page with a bunch of tools and HowTOs which remove Conficker.–/features/113002